Sunday, March 7, 2010

Karen and The Lounge Lizzards live at Banana Bay

The woman in this video, masterfully playing the 12 string, is Karen. She's not your usual Karen. She is a pilot, owns her own airplane, and is a remarkable musician. She was married to a podiatrist and has given birth to two children. Yes, she is a woman. People who attended the show pre-judged her. They assumed that she or he was a transvestite, a homosexual, or just some weirdo. I could even see some people twist their faces when they looked at her, as if they had chanced upon a dead rattlesnake baking in the sun. But Karen is none of the above. Mandy spent much time with her while I was gone for the weekend to visit family. Mandy learned the truth. Karen is different. Her husky voice and manly features result from a condition that occurred at birth, not from a choice to be different. It's not nice to judge people.