Thursday, December 2, 2010

On the Road Again

We are in Ocala, Florida today, December 2nd, 2010. We will meet up with friends today and tomorrow then buzz down to the Keys to do work on the boat while it rests on jackstands in the boatyard. We hope to be floating again by Monday.

We spent a couple days in Dahloneda, Georgia hepling my daughter-in-law and grandkids with a few chores around the house. We also spent some time wandering the Christmas scene around the small town north of Atlanta at the foothills of the Georgia mountains.

Dahlonega is a native American word meaning gold. It was the site of the first gold rush before the 49er started running to California. A local Dahlonega official tried to stop the exodus proclaiming the famed words, "There's gold in them thar hills."

Gold still remains beneath the soil but too difficult to resume mining because large veins have been exhausted of their element. But when the city built a new baseball diamond, the upturned soil sparkled with gold dust.

Gold is in the walls of the old building too. Turn the lights out in the town hall and shine a flashlight on the bricks. They will glimmer with the gold that was residing in the materials they used to make the brick.

If you get near the area, be sure to visit.

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